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Everyone strives to avoid painful experiences since no one wants to live his or her life in depression. Thus, people endeavor to attain something which gives them happiness, so they do what they feel like doing. For example, some people love to play online games for hours. Game players think it exciting to shoot their enemies. However, they can only get momentary pleasure and then feel more and more empty.

In fact, real happiness is different from sense of satisfaction; it should be ever-lasting. In my opinion, people can get real happiness when getting well along with others. And that’s why it seems weird for a person to giggle in front of a computer or a smart phone.


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I can ignore the scar which was caused in a sudden.


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  • Oct 30 Sat 2010 15:46
  • 瑣碎

嗯哼    桌墊下滿滿的都是紙張

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         為什麼總是要等到失去後 , 才懂得珍惜 ?

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